6G Radio Access Network Technologies and Solutions

Hereby we proudly present to you the annual Future of Wireless Technology Workshop hosted by the Huawei Sweden R&D Center, Huawei Technologies Sweden AB.

The Future of Wireless Workshop is a forum where we bring together bright minds, experts and leaders of international research communities to meet, share and discuss various topics focusing on the evolution of wireless network & technology and hopefully by doing so, not only will we foster ideas and inspirations from one another, we will also strengthen our relationship within the international research communities. The ambition of the workshop is to find a common understanding of where the industry is heading towards and furthermore to explore areas for future collaboration.

The 2024 workshop will be a live event held on 29th – 30th August in Stockholm.


Themes & Detailed Program 2024

For the 2024 workshop, we will deep dive and look into the potential future technologies and solutions that could be beneficial for the industry, people and society.
Detailed program

Speakers 2024

We are honoured to have many guest speakers who are the experts in their field of work and they are the key influencers of the industry.
View speakers