Prof. Luca Sanguinetti is currently an Associate Professor with the Dipartimento di Ingegneria dell’Informazione, University of Pisa. From June 2007 to June 2008, he was a Postdoctoral Associate with the Department of Electrical Engineering, Princeton. From July 2013 to October 2017, he was with the Large Systems and Networks Group (LANEAS), CentraleSupélec, France. He has coauthored two textbooks: “Massive MIMO Networks: Spectral, Energy, and Hardware Efficiency’’ (2017) and “Foundations of User-centric Cell-free Massive MIMO’’ (2020). His expertise and general interests span the areas of communications and signal processing. Dr. Sanguinetti received the Marconi Prize Paper Award in Wireless Communications in 2018 and 2022, the IEEE Communications Society Outstanding Paper Award in 2023 and coauthored a paper that received the Young Best Paper Award from the ComSoc/VTS Italy Section. He served as an Associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Wireless communications, IEEE Signal Processing Letters, and IEEE Journal on Selected Areas of Communications. He is currently serving as an Associate Editor for the IEEE Transactions on Communications and is a member of the Executive Editorial Committee of IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications. He is an IEEE Senior Member.