Triggered by the emergence of orthogonal time-frequency space (OTFS) modulation, delay-Doppler (DD) domain waveform design has stirred a great deal of interest in both industry and academia. Resilience to highly time-varying wireless environments, robust sensing performance, and backward compatibility of such waveforms with orthogonal frequency division multiplexing (OFDM), have made them attractive for deployment in the sixth-generation (6G) wireless communication systems. Utilizing the DD grid instead of the time-frequency (TF) grid for data transmission turns the detrimental effects of the wireless channel into the opportunity of exploiting its full diversity gains. Meanwhile, the DD domain channel estimate directly reflects the key parameters for sensing. Most of the developments on the DD domain waveform design so far have been on the theoretical aspects. Therefore, in this talk, the  practical aspects such as pulse-shape design, pilot design, synchronization and channel estimation will be covered that require careful attention, so that we can exploit the full potential of delay-Doppler communication technologies for integrated sensing and communication (ISAC).
September 6 @ 15:25
15:25 — 15:55 (30′)

Professor Arman Farhang (Trinity College Dublin)