After the successful introduction of LDPC and Polar codes with 5G, research on efficient decoders is still on-going as power, performance, and area (PPA) remain critical key performance indicators (KPIs) for handset and base station chipsets. In parallel to the development of more efficient decoders for 5G codes, the race is already on for the selection of the next generation channel codes for 6G. With the expected ultra-high data rates, the choice of the right codes is critical and is tightly linked not only to the communications performance, but also to the complexity of corresponding decoders.
In this talk, I will discuss the state-of-the-art in channel decoding, both touching on 5G and on 6G candidates. I will provide insights into properties that are critical for manageable silicon implementation. In particular, for 6G, I will show the potential of Spatially-Coupled (SC) LDPC codes, show their potential, and discuss expectations on hardware complexity and throughput.
Prof. Andreas Burg (EPFL – CH)