Rui Dinis received the Ph.D. degree from IST, Technical University of Lisbon, Portugal, in 2001 and the Habilitation in Telecommunications from FCT, Nova University of Lisbon (UNL) in 2010 where he is a Full Professor. Rui Dinis is also researcher at IT (Instituto de Telecomunicações). During 2003 he was a visiting professor at Carleton University, Ottawa, Canada.  Rui Dinis is an IEEE ComSoc Distinguished Lecturer and an IEEE VTS Distinguished Speaker. He is or was editor at several major IEEE journals (IEEE TWC, TCOM, TVT and OJ-COMS) and at Elsevier Physical Communication and Hindawi ISRN Communications and Networking. He was also a guest editor for multiple special numbers in several journals. He was involved in the organization of IEEE conferences, namely several VTC and GLOBECOM, and is a member of several technical committees of IEEE Communications Society.

Rui Dinis has been actively involved in several international research projects in the broadband wireless communications area. He has 30 PhD students (current and past), published 7 books, over 200 journal papers and book chapters and over 400 conference papers (of which 5 received best papers’ awards), and has over 20 patents.  He was involved in pioneer projects on the use of mm-waves for broadband wireless communications and his main research activities are on modulation and transmitter design, nonlinear effects on digital communications and receiver design (detection, equalization, channel estimation and carrier synchronization), with emphasis on frequency-domain implementations, namely for MIMO systems and/or OFDM and SC-FDE modulations. He is also working on cross-layer design and optimization involving PHY, MAC and LLC issues, as well as indoor positioning techniques.