Professor Muhammad Ali Imran (M'03, SM'12) received his M.Sc. (Distinction) and Ph.D. degrees from Imperial College London, UK, in 2002 and 2007, respectively. He is a Professor in Communication Systems in University of Glasgow, Vice Dean of Glasgow College UESTC and Program Director of Electrical and Electronics with Communications. He is an adjunct Associate Professor at the University of Oklahoma, USA and a visiting Professor at 5G Innovation centre, University of Surrey, UK, where he has worked previously from June 2007 to Aug 2016.
He has led a number of multimillion-funded international research projects encompassing the areas of energy efficiency, fundamental performance limits, sensor networks and self-organising cellular networks. He also led the new physical layer work area for 5G innovation centre at Surrey. He has a global collaborative research network spanning both academia and key industrial players in the field of wireless communications. He has supervised 40+ successful PhD graduates and published over 400 peer-reviewed research papers including more than 40 IEEE Transaction papers. He secured first rank in his B.Sc. and a distinction in his M.Sc. degree along with an award of excellence in recognition of his academic achievements conferred by the President of Pakistan. He has been awarded IEEE Comsoc’s Fred Ellersick award 2014, FEPS Learning and Teaching award 2014, Sentinel of Science Award 2016, and twice nominated for Tony Jean’s Inspirational Teaching award. He is a shortlisted finalist for The Wharton-QS Stars Awards 2014 for innovative teaching and VC’s learning and teaching award in University of Surrey. He is a Fellow of IET, a senior member of IEEE and a Senior Fellow of Higher Education Academy (SFHEA), UK.
He has given an invited TEDx talk (2015) and more than 10 plenary talks, several tutorials and seminars in international conferences, events and other institutions. He has taught on international short courses in USA and China. He is the co-founder of IEEE Workshop BackNets 2015 and chaired several tracks/workshops of international conferences. He is an associate Editor for IEEE Transactions on Communications and IEEE Open Access. He has previously served as associate editor for IEEE Communications Letters and IET Communications Journal and has served as guest editor for many prestigious international journals.