Dr. Cicek Cavdar leads a research group on Intelligent Network Systems at the School of EECS at the Royal Institute of Technology (KTH) in Sweden. She finished her Ph.D studies in Computer Science, University of California, Davis and in Istanbul Technical University, Turkey in 2009. After her PhD, she worked as an Assistant Professor in Computer Engineering Department, Istanbul Technical University. She has chaired several workshops on green mobile broadband technologies and Green 5G Mobile Networks last years co-located with IEEE ICC and Globecom. She served as chair of the green communications track in ICC 2017, held in Paris. At Wireless@KTH research center, she led EU EIT Digital projects such as "5GrEEn: Towards Green 5G Mobile Networks" and "Seamless DA2GC in Europe". 2015-2018, she served as the leader of Swedish cluster for the EU Celtic Plus project SooGREEN "Service Oriented Optimization of Green Mobile Networks“, and from 2018 she has the same role in the EU Celtic Plus project AI4Green “Artificial Intelligence for Green Networks”. Her research interests include design and analysis of telecommunication networks with focus on beyond 5G mobile networks, edge/cloud computing, big data in the network, URLLC, energy efficiency, and AI assisted Mobile Networks.